(NES One Hour Jam) Moo Moon
Default keyboard controls for web:
Z - Fly upwards
X - Tractor beam
Left / Right arrows - Tilt UFO left/right
Enter - Restart game if the UFO is lost
Made in about three hours for One Hour Game Jam 516. A very simple game, there's not much to it! Try to grab a Moo with your beam and lift them above the escape line. Don't fly too high or crash into the ground or you'll lose! Downloadable version available for use on emulators and flashcarts!
voxel_516_ohgj.nes 40 kB
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Fun concept! If you wanted to build it out a bit more, you could add an energy bar to the traktor beam that resets after each cow, forcing you to strategize when to use it.
Thanks, that's a pretty good idea and probably wouldn't even take that long to implement. But if I ever revisit this, I'd probably add some kind of obstacle to dodge first
That would be cool, too!
huh. explain the keyboard controls
Awesome game!
I figured out the controls as follows:
cursor left-right to move the UFO sideways
Z to go up
X to enable traktor beam
You need to get the cow into your beam and pull it above the dashed line. If you crash or fly too high into space you can restart the game with the return key, but that resets your score.
also why does game stretch when in full screen mode and how
I'm not the developer, but I guess that the Web-based emulator just stretches to the given window. I don't think this can be changed by the NES-ROM. But @Voxel might know more.
Haha thanks Fro