A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

View Alakajam entry page here https://alakajam.com/7th-alakajam/786/tower-of-bird/

It is roosting season on a small remote island, populated only by oddly shaped birds. Build a towering edifice to safely house as many eggs as possible, using birds and their occasional gifts of poop, truly the glue that binds bird society together.

Supports standard gamepads and keyboard controls.

Frequently asked questions (by myself):

  • What are the controls?
    •  Use the left stick on your control pad and the A button (X on playstation gamepads) or use WASD/Arrow keys and SPACEBAR on keyboard
  • How do I squeeze birds into small gaps?
    •  You can use the DROP button (Space on keyboard, A on controller) to smoosh birdies into spaces they might not otherwise fit
  • What is POOP dOOd?
    • Sometimes birds just gotta go. Aim the POOP target at a group of birds and press DROP to stick them together with stringy poopies
  • Can i POOP EGG?
    •  poopies dont stick to egg
  • How do i rotate bird?
    • no

Created from scratch in 48 hours for the solo Alakajam 7 competition, September 21st-22nd 2019


TowerOfBirdAlakajam7SoloVoxelWindowz.zip 31 MB
Tower of Bird Alakajam7 solo by voxel.zip 33 MB
TowerOfBirdAlakajam7SoloVoxelLinux.tgz 33 MB

Install instructions

Frequently asked questions (by myself):

  • What are the controls?
    •  Use the left stick on your control pad and the A button (X on playstation gamepads) or use WASD/Arrow keys and SPACEBAR on keyboard
  • How do I squeeze birds into small gaps?
    •  You can use the DROP button (Space on keyboard, A on controller) to smoosh birdies into spaces they might not otherwise fit
  • What is POOP dOOd?
    • Sometimes birds just gotta go. Aim the POOP target at a group of birds and press DROP to stick them together with stringy poopies
  • Can i POOP EGG?
    •  poopies dont stick to egg
  • How do i rotate bird?
    • no

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